Monday, 27 August 2012

We love weaving

We learnt to weave.
First we got a black piece of paper and made four cuts.
Next we got five strips of different coloured paper.
Then we wove the first strip over and under, over and under.
The next strip went under and over, under and over.
We did this until we had used all the strips.
Do you like our weaving?

Red Nose day

On Friday we had a mufti day to raise money for Red Nose Day.  We had to wear something red, bring a gold coin and the big girls painted our noses red.
The money raised was for the sick children.

Forbes and Naumai make doubles

Naumai and Forbes were using the tens frames and counters to practice making doubles.  Aren't they clever!

Friday, 17 August 2012

Jump Rope For Heart

Here are some photos of our exciting Jump Rope for Heart day.
Check out our skipping skills

Story writing from this week.

Here are some samples of the hard work we have been doing this week in Room 10 during story writing time.



and Lachlan's.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

At School Maths

This week it is Maths week.
We decided to solve our daily problem by using doubles, even though we knew it wasn't the fastest way.
We love to solve problems using doubles!

We decided to use our doubles knowledge and Tamahau knew 7+7 was 14.
Then we had to add the extra 2 people.
Talib knew that 4+2 was 6 so that meant that 14+2 had to be 16.

We are learning lots of ways to solve our addition problems.

Monday, 6 August 2012

Ants on the anthill

Our Letter of the week was Aa and we made a display with Ants on the anthill, a, a , a.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Doubles Doubles, we love doubles

Room10 are learning to use doubles to help them solve a problem.  Here is a video we found to help us.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

At school 18 July

Today Room 10 did some amazing thinking to solve the problem of how many people were at school.
We discovered that we had 7 boys and 7 girls and got excited because this is a double.
Sifa and Forbes said we could use 5+5 to help us.  We rearranged the people so that there were 5 boys and 5 girls on the first bus.  This left 2 boys and 2 girls to go on the second bus.  Another double!
We could see that 5+5 was ten and 2+2 was four, but we had trouble solving 10+4.
Danielle said we could count the others, but that we didn't need to start from 1.  By counting on from 10 we learnt that there were 14 people at school today.
I hope we get more doubles tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Room 10's Story Writing

Room 10 have been working hard with their story writing.  The words written in purple are the words the children were able to find around the room or they just knew them.
Mrs Nathan thinks they are amazing writers!  Keep an eye out for the stories Room 10 will be writing on their own.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Bryan and Bobby's visit

On Friday the 8th June Bryan and Bobby came to visit our school and talk to us about serial numbers.
We should record the serial numbers of all the electrial things at home which cost more than $200, this will help the Police to give back your things if they get stolen.
You can record these numbers on .

You can visit Bryan and Bobby at

Samoan Independance Day

On Friday the first of June it was Samoan Independance day. 
We went out to the courts to watch the Tupulaga classes marching and then they said a prayer and sang a song as the flag was raised.

After morning tea we went down to the hall and watched the speeches and the class performances. 
Thank you Tupulaga for inviting us to be part of your celebrations =)

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Pirate Visit

On Tuesday we had a Pirate day.  We all dressed up as a pirate and there was a pirate show.

Here is one of the songs they performed.

We were fierce pirates!!

Friday, 11 May 2012

Room 9 comes to visit

Today Room 9 came to work with us.  We read The Jigaree by Joy Cowley and then we made Alien pictures and stories.  We will publish some when we are finished.
Thank you for helping us Room 9, we had lots of fun.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

If You Meet a Dragon

We read If You Meet a Dragon... by Joy Cowley, then we made our own dragons.  They can move like a real dragon.
If we meet a dragon we know that if we tickle it, it will run away... but we aren't scared!

Friday, 27 April 2012

Anjil's Writing

I went to camp to play with my friends and they were happy to play with me.

Lose's Writing

I went to the swimming pools.  We had a swim then I went home for a sleep.

Folauhola's Writing

I went to my brother's rugby game with my whole family.  We went in my mum's car.

Room 8's Writing

Writing 26 April
Here is our latest story.  The writing in purple are words or sounds that the children in Room 8 were able to write or hear by themselves.
Mrs Nathan is so proud of how clever they are becoming.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

At School 23 April
On Tuesday Tyton used his knowledge of 10 +9 to help him solve this problem.  He was able to see this without moving the counters!
Lorisha reminded him that he needed to take 1 away from 19 since our problem was 9+9.
We also saw that 5+3=8 and 1 more was 9, and that 5+4=9.
We are getting really good at noticing patterns in numbers!

Monday, 2 April 2012

Room 8's Writing Lesson

Room 8 have been working really hard with story writing this term.  We have gotten so clever that we wanted to share a lesson with you.  Mrs Nathan has to write less and less everyday.

This video has been uneditted and is typical of a writing lesson in Room 8 warts and all :) 


Maths with Room 8

Each morning we work out how many people are at school.  The boys are the red dots and the girls are the yellow dots.  We always try to make a tidy number by filling up one bus first.  This makes it easier for us to solve.
Today Lorisha was very clever because she knew that 10 + 10 was 20 but we had to help her remember to take one away.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Grumpy Bear Room 8

Grumpy Bear was grumpy because all the animals were making too much noise.  He growled at them and asked them to be quiet but they said  "We don't care Grumpy Bear, we don't care, care, care!"
The only way Grumpy Bear could get them to be quiet was to show them his sharp teeth and claws... until he tried to get rid of the bees, they weren't scared of anything!

Friday, 23 March 2012

Making Sets

Mrs Nathan gave each of us a number and we had to make a set to show that many things. 
Have a look at how well we did.

Cross Country

Today we had the school cross country.
We had to run around the field one time.
Lose came second and Anita came third.
William came second. 
Dante fell over twice but he kept on running and he came fourth! 

We all tried our hardest and we had heaps of fun! 
Mrs Nathan is so proud of us!

Polka dot Show

On Thursday we had the Polka dot Show come to visit. 
They were teaching us how to be Travelwise.
They said to Stop, Look, Listen for cars and think before we cross the street.
We learnt some cool songs and we got to dance with them.
It was a cool show!

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Room 8 Can Juggle

Room 8 read Max can Juggle, then we watched this video

Then we tried to juggle 10 things like Max.  See how well we did.


We made playdough as a class then we made things that were long or short, fat or thin, big or small.

Welcome to Room 8 2012

We have had a fantastic start to 2012!
There are now 20 children in Room 8 and we continue to grow each week.
We can't wait to share our learning with you.