Wednesday, 18 July 2012

At school 18 July

Today Room 10 did some amazing thinking to solve the problem of how many people were at school.
We discovered that we had 7 boys and 7 girls and got excited because this is a double.
Sifa and Forbes said we could use 5+5 to help us.  We rearranged the people so that there were 5 boys and 5 girls on the first bus.  This left 2 boys and 2 girls to go on the second bus.  Another double!
We could see that 5+5 was ten and 2+2 was four, but we had trouble solving 10+4.
Danielle said we could count the others, but that we didn't need to start from 1.  By counting on from 10 we learnt that there were 14 people at school today.
I hope we get more doubles tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

  1. What fantastic problem solving skills you are all developing! I like how you are sharing the different ways to add your numbers together. Isn't it fun working with doubles!! Keep up the great work.
    Whaea Danielle
