Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Clever Mathematicians

Mrs Nathan asked us to solve this problem.
I had 8 apples and then I bought 5 more.  How many do I have now?

 Here are 4 different ways we worked it out.

Stage 2- Counting all

Stage 4- Advanced Counting

Stage 5- Part-whole thinking

Well done Room 10! You are great at solving number problems.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Pizza day

Today the whole of Room 10 had pizza for lunch.  It was from Hell Pizza in Manukau because Tyler won a Halloween colouring in competition.
Tyler's mum brought strawberries and juice for us as well.
The pizza was so yum that we ate until we couldn't eat anymore!

Thank you Tyler and Hella Pizza Manukau for our yummy, yummy lunch!

 Congratulations to Tyler, who is a great artist!

Kiwi Can

Today at Kiwi can we talked about Honesty.

I am honest
I am true
If I can do it so can you.

When we tell little lies they grow into big lies and then we get in big trouble. It is always best to tell the truth. We will still be growled at but it won't be as big.

Tyler and Andre were our Super stars today.

Monday, 21 November 2011

Our Shared Writing

Once upon a time a shiny fish was swimming in the ocean when he saw a huge whale. He very carefully swam over to the whale to talk to him.
"Hello Mr Whale." he said.
"Hello yummy little fish." said the whale. "What can I do for you?"
"Can you help me find my fish family?" said the shiny fish.
"I think I saw your family swimming this way." said the whale as he opened his mouth wide.
"Oh thank you Mr Whale." said the little fish and he swam inside.
The whale quickly shut his mouth and swallowed the little fish whole.
"Yummy!" said the whale.

Monday, 7 November 2011


We made hamburgers with Miss Lendrum! Yummy!!!!!!!

School Athletics Day

On Friday we had our school athletics.
Congratulations to Jabez who was 1st and Zachariah who was 2nd in their race.
Also to Lopa and Clare-Ellen who were both 3rd in their races.

Here are some photos of us from the day.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Kiwi Can

In Kiwi Can this week we continued the topic of Honesty.  We had races and we really needed to be honest about whether we went around the cones the right way.

Mafile'o and Nikura were our superstars this week.  Well done boys!


Congratulations to Isaiah who won a prize in the Faber-castel colouring competition. He was one of 250 entrants to receive a box of goodies.
Great work Isaiah!!

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Grumpy Bear

Grumpy bear wanted to sleep but all of the animals were making too much noise.
He growled at them but they didn't care, until he showed them his teeth and his claws!